Kybella® — Monarch Aesthetic Medicine - Columbus, Ohio Monarch Health Aesthetic


Submental fullness, sometimes referred to as “double chin”, is a common yet under-treated facial aesthetic condition. It can impact a broad range of adults, including both men and women, and can be influenced by several factors such as aging, genetics, weight gain, and is often resistant to diet and exercise alone.

The Benefits of Kybella® Include: 

  • KYBELLA® is the only the FDA approved injectable to impact fat cells under the skin

  • Target chin fat that seems unaffected by proper diet and exercise

  • A non-surgical, minimally invasive option for fat reduction in the chin area *

Before & After

* Every patient is special and unique, and treatment results may vary from person to person. Photos, videos, testimonials, and descriptions on this website are for informational purposes only and are not guaranteed.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is KYBELLA® right for you?

Yes. If you are concerned about the appearance of your double chin that doesn't seem to change with weight loss and exercise, and invasive surgery is not an option. You may have noticed others in your family with a similar chin profile. KYBELLA® is the first and only FDA approved injectable drug that contours and improves the appearance of the double chin area. To find out if you are a candidate for KYBELLA®, please schedule a consult with Monarch Aesthetic Medicine .

Who should not receive KYBELLA®?

You should not receive KYBELLA® if you have an active infection in the area to be injected. Patients who are pregnant, or nursing should not receive KYBELLA®. 

Are there any side effects? 

The safety profile of KYBELLA® is well characterized. The most common side effects are swelling, bruising, pain, numbness, redness and areas of hardness around the treatment area. KYBELLA® can cause serious side effects, including trouble swallowing and nerve injury in the jaw that can cause an uneven smile or facial muscle weakness.

What can I expect during and after a treatment? 

Our expert aesthetic providers will design a customized treatment plan to help improve your chin profile. KYBELLA® is injected into the areas of concern and produces a short-lived stinging sensation that dissipates before you leave the office. The area may remain hard, pink and swollen for several days after the injection and it is not uncommon to experience numbness for up to one month post injection.

Find out more, visit Kybella